Monday, January 25, 2016

blog post #1

Integrating computers for teaching is useful because it helps instructors become more efficient and some might even say more effective with their teaching methods. Teachers can become more effective by using computer programs like word to create lessons plans, create graphs to provide visual representations for the students; they can also use PowerPoint to have presentations for students. As you can see the benefits of computers are limitless but one of the most important benefits is the access to information that both the students and teachers have with computers.  Access to this information will help students reinforce what they are learning. Although access to so much information can be detrimental to kids learning the benefits of computer far outweigh the cost. I believe that having access to all this information with help students develop their cognitivism at a younger age.

The ISTE standards are essential to education. Although some rules are subjective it is good for the education system because it helps set a benchmark. The ISTE standards make sure that students are receiving a quality education and that they are being prepared for the future. I find it very interesting that the ISTE standards exist, with all the talk about computers replacing teachers. The fact that this standard exist shows that computers are here to help improve teachers and their skill sets. One of the standards that I have not yet mastered is the communication of information in a effective way. With so many options on how to portray information I have not yet found a system that best accompanies my teaching style.

Todays kids are definitely digital native. They grow up with iPads and are taught through educational shows at a young age. Being a digital native means growing up and being around technology; and while it is true some people can not afford technology like computers most school now days and libraries have them so computer access is very easy for this generation. A big emphasis has been put on technology in todays culture, so there is  not a lot of difference in my computer literacy and my instructors because of the high demand for computer literacy that the education system has for instructors. I expect my students in the future to be as I am on the same level, because as technology advances so will the demands for teachers to improve their computer literacy.

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Monday, January 11, 2016

Blog #0

Growing up I always used computers. The knowledge I had then was very rudimentary, all I knew was the basics how to play Pre-installed games, view email, and chat.  As I progressed in age and in school I started learning more about technology and incorporating it into my life. I used my cell phone as an alarm, my computer to look up summaries on books, and recorders to record my professors and have lectures at hand. The older I got the more I got out of technology and the better I understood it.

I hope in this class to continue learning about technology and find new ways to help it improve my daily activities. I want to be able to learn efficient ways of synthesizing and portraying information. I want to learn how to use word, and PowerPoint in professional settings and how to use excel to display numerical data. My overall goal is to become a better professional and use the resources that are available to their full potential.

In my learning style test I learned that on some categories I am well balanced and in others I lean a little more to specific areas. In the visual and verbal category of learning I am pretty centered but leaning a little towards the visual learning. Which I think is important because next time I am studying and do not understand something I can look for diagrams and see if that helps me progress. The test also indicated that although I am a reflective learner I am pretty well balanced between reflective and active learning. Now as I study for this course and my other courses I will make sure to go over things multiple times since I know now I learn best reviewing things multiple times.