Monday, April 11, 2016

blog #10

Qualtrics was a very interesting program to use. I think it is very beneficial program and that can be use in several ways to impact the class room. In the future when I am an Accounting professor I will use Qualtrics to determine the satisfaction of my students with me as an instructor, my teaching methods, and how accurate my examples are in comparison to my exams. That way I can make sure that I am not only a good teacher but that I am giving the students the education that they deserve. One feature that I really like about Qualtrics that will help me with gathering this information is the exporting of the survey responses to an excel file. Qualtric really does an amazing job of simplifying this process and moving the responses to excel. Once in excel it will be easy to make charts and graphs to read my students responses and keep a track record of my progress from year to year.

What I found interesting about my classmates blogs is that we all have different backgrounds and come from different places. And that some of us did not originally start in education. But what I find the most interesting about my classmates blogs is that even though we come from different places and backgrounds we all have same goal. We all want to better the education in America. We all want to impact and develop the minds of our students wether it be in 1st grade or in college. I think this is very beautiful goal because the future of this country is in the hands of the youth and they will need proper guidance from people that love and want to teach them. Rather then someone who is just doing it as a job

The next program or skill I would like to learn to use is C++. Although it is an advance programing language i think it is very important tool to know how to use. It is obvious that the future is technology driven and if you can learn how to program you will have a very useful skills that not many posses. Furthermore you will not only know how to use technology but how it works and that will help not only monitor problems but help you better teach and use technology.

Some ways that I plan on reaching my educational technology related goals is by always having the passion to learn and to use the opportunities presented to me. Often jobs will offer courses for employees to learn different programs and acquire new skills. I am going to always take advantage of all the programs that are offered to me not only the ones that apply to my current job;because even though i may not need or use the skill at the moment it may come a time when I do need it. Also like i said above I will continue with my passion to learn if there is a program that I want to learn or need to learn and it is not offered from by employer I will learn it outside of work, on my own because it will only enhance my skill set sand make me a more marketable employee.

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